23rd April 2021

A full house for this walk with Alan back walking for the first time in a while, and Oscar, Barney and Jess joining Klaas, Phil & Freda, Linda, Jackie and Gareth & Anne.  The weather had been bad again so plans for the Cherry Blossom walk in Vall de Gallinera had to be cancelled and instead we did an easy, flat walk mostly on concrete (except for one muddy field which you can see in one of Klaas’s photos!) from Beniarbeig to the refugio.  Length of the walk was 6.01km.  

Although there were a lot of clouds around, the rain stayed off all day and we even managed a clara sitting outside in the sun before lunch!

We met at the Pensionistas Bar in Beniarbeig for coffee (and back for a drink after the walk), and had lunch at Taurino in Ondara.

In the photo that Klaas took of most of the group, Barney looks as if he’s having a crisis!!  Also, for information, Klaas has advised that the yellow flower in his photo at the end is a Golden Fleece.


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