31st March 2023

It may have been March, but it felt like June!  A super warm day (although cloudy yet again!) for Phil & Freda and Gareth & Anne to do the Tàrbena walk.

We met at Cooperativa in Parcent for coffee and took one car to Tàrbena.  When we last did the walk in May 2022 we didn’t have time to go up to the castle, but we did the full walk this time, enjoying the fabulous views as always.  When we had our banana stop up at the castle, we were surrounded by butterflies.  We did the full walk in less than 2½ hours – another record!

Lunch was at Ca’s Pelut where we had a nice paella, but one of the worst ever carajillo quemados!!  A special mention also for the tacky gold ornaments in the garden of a house we passed on the road to Tarbena!