6th May 2922

Tàrbena walk with Phil & Freda and Gareth & Anne.

We met at Cooperativa in Parcent for coffee and took one car to Tàrbena.  Not long into the walk, when the path first winds down, it was really wet and muddy.  Then the path completely disappeared and there was no way through – the recent bad weather had caused a landslide making this path unusable.  So, we walked back up the muddy, wet section again and followed a different path round which met up with our usual route.  This will probably be the way we will have to start this walk in the future, unless the path is rebuilt.  The rest of the walk was fine.  We extended the walk a little by walking up the hill before going back to the gorge and the views were great.  The walk was approx 4.5km and took 2 hrs 10 minutes.  We didn’t have time to go up to the castle this time, so instead had a nice refreshing clara on the terrace at Ca’s Pelut.

Lunch was at La Solana in Alcalali where we were joined by Tony & Sandra.