Orba Health Centre / Centro de Salud
Calle De L'Alter 8, Orba
Appointments: 965648604 8am - 8pm (Note: this will put you through to the main
appointment centre in Denia and you will need to give your SIP No, so have it handy)
| Emergencies 24 hrs 966 409 990
Normal hours for appointments 9am - 3pm
If you qualify for free health care
in Spain, you should use the GP service at the Centro de Salud and, if necessary, the doctor at the Centro de Salud will refer you to a specialist at another location. If you have a Spanish SIP card you can make an appointment online at this page and a new app called GVA +Salut for your phone which makes it even easier. Further to this you can use the app at the farmacia instead of the paper sheet to get prescriptions. Just scan your prescription sheet into the app. It will then post reminders to your calendar when you are due medication as well as information on the drugs you are taking and allow you to get prescriptions without the paper. If you are a visitor to Orba, remember to take your EHIC card and passport with you if you attend the Health Centre, and if you do not speak any Spanish you should take a translator with you. If the visit is not urgent you will have to complete forms and will be issued with a temporary SIP card, and you may have to return the following day for the appointment and to collect the card.
Note: There is new parking on Carrer dels Forns (the road which heads to Orbeta from the Centro de Salud) if you are unable to park on Calle De L'Alter
If you use private health care, click here for more information.

Pharmacy (Farmacia Joaquin Escriva)
Calle Mayor 5, Orba | Tel:
965 583 386
Monday - Friday 9am - 1.30pm and 4.30pm - 7pm | Saturdays 10am - 1pm
As the pharmacy is not always fully stocked, we recommend you call to ensure that the items you require are available, or to order to collect later
Prescriptions and non prescription medicines, medical advice, blood pressure testing
Orba emergencies call 608 227 506
| Click here for a daily list of duty/24 hour chemists in Alicante Province
Visit Farmacia Joaquin Escriva's website and their Facebook page
Note that Orba Pharmacy update their Facebook page weekly to include up-to-date lists of 24hr pharmacists in the area.

Dentist (Orba Dental)
Pl. Empedrat, 13, Orba | Tel: 965 584 245
Opening hours: Monday 10am - 6pm | Tuesday & Thursday 10am - 4pm | Wednesday 10am - 2pm | Friday 10am - 4pm
English dentist Nick Haworth offers a wide range of dental treatments from clean and polish to cosmetic dentistry
View Orba Dental's website

Hospitals/private Health Centres
Click here for a list of hospitals and medical centres in the Orba area.
Depending on your situation, you will require either National Health services or Private Health services (such as AXA, ASISA, ASSSA, Adeslas, Salus, Sanitas)

Centre Clinic Orba
Calle L'Alter 4, Orba | Tel: 965 584 020 / 615 446 854
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 2pm | Monday - Thursday also 4pm - 7.30pm
Part of the Ortobon Group, this clinic has an Orthodontist/dentist, physiotherapist, psychologist and pediatrist
Visit Centre Clinic's website

Ghaiam Fitness
Cami Font de Dalt 7, Orba | Tel: 658 113 040
Opening hours Monday to Thursday 8am - 2pm
Personal trainers available, classes in zumba, cardiobox, cross training, spinning, salsa, tai chi, pilates, etc.
View their website and Facebook page

Anna Climent Therapies
Calle Canonigo Sendra 42, Orba Tel 965 584 177 / 618 773 417 | email: anaclimentcentre@gmail.com
Muscular pain relief treatment and massage
Get more information on Anna's Facebook page here

Optician (Optica Orba)
Pintor Ruano Llopis 5, Orba | Tel: 965 584 080
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5pm and 4.30pm - 8pm | Saturday 10am - 1pm
Visit Optica Orba's Facebook page

Podiatrist (Morell Podoclinic)
Placa d'Espanya 3, Orba Tel 965 583 821 | email: lauramorellmoreno@outlook.com
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 9.30am - 1.30pm and 3.30pm - 7.30pm | Saturday 9.30am - 1.30pm
Visit their facebook page here

Vet (Clinica Veterinaria La Solana)
C/Pintor Ruano 7, Orba | Tel: 965 584 124 / Emergency 24 hour number 609 694 641
Opening hours Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5pm
View Clinica Veterinaria La Solana's Facebook page