Orba Restaurants, Bars & Cafes
Following are some of the restaurants and bars in Orba. We have included links to websites or Facebook pages, opening hours, prices and contact details where we can, but please note that these can change and we may not be aware of these changes. We'll be reviewing this page regularly, but please let us know if you spot a mistake!
Click here to view some other restaurants close to Orba.
Click here to view a map showing location of all Orba's restaurants (thanks to Lisa Helen Ayling)
Read Trip Advisor's reviews of Orba restaurants - perhaps even add your own comments!

Cafe Andreu
Calle Major, Orba | Tel: 647 699 447 (general number)
Open 7 days, 7.30am until approx 10pm
Sandwiches, breakfasts, pastries, cocktails, beers and daily offers.
View Cafe Andreu's Facebook page

Pasaje Dalt 3, Orba | Tel 965 583 546
Freshly roasted coffee, smoothies, cold drinks, homemade cakes, pastries, sandwiches, eggs benedict.
Open Tuesday - Saturday 9.30am - 4pm
View Cappuccino's Facebook page

Bar Cheers
Avenida Americas 71, Orba | Tel: 666 414 599
Quiz night on Wednesdays, Karaoke on Saturdays
View Cheers Bar's Facebook page

Partida Plans 1, Orba | Tel: 622 949 879
Email: admin@citrusbistrobar.com
Reserve your table using online service here and receive realtime confirmation, or call 622 949 879. Closed Thursdays. Homemade cakes, snacks, sandwiches, English breakfasts, live music, quiz nights, live sports on a big screen, pool table, afternoon teas, etc
View Citrus Bar's website and Facebook page

Bar Escales & Hostal
Plaça d'Espanya, 8, Orba | Tel: 965 584 117 (for bar) or 965 583 536 (for Hostal reservations)
Tuesday - Sunday 8am - 3pm | Closed Mondays
Takeways available. Also tapas, plato del dia, sandwiches, homemade desserts
View Escales' Facebook page

El Forn Vell
Carrer de L'Ermita 23, Orbeta | Tel: 626 699 652
Closed Tuesdays | Open till 10pm other days except Sunday when they close at 9pm
Takeways, lunches, dinners, sandwiches, sports on TV, pool table, etc.
Visit Forn Vell's Facebook page

Gusto Italiano
Calle Mayor 23, Orba | Tel: 865 517 311 | 675 642 714
Open 7 days from 1pm - 3.30pm and 6.30pm - 11pm
Home deliveries also available
Visit their Facebook page

Cal Morell
Calle D'Enmig 18, Orbeta | Tel: 965 58 40 00 / WhatsApp 676 766 927
Open Wednesday - Saturday evenings, and Saturday and Sunday lunchtime but call to check
Closed from 4th - 19th November
Price depends on main course selected
View Cal Morell's Facebook page

New India Gate
Carretera Orba - Benidorm, Km 12, Orba (next to petrol station) | Call or Whatsapp 662 573 977
Eat in or home delivery. Contact them for opening hours. Free delivery over €30 if less than 10km away
Visit New India Gate's website or Facebook page

Club de Pensionistas
(Pensioners Club)
Calle Canonigo Sendra 45, Orba | Tel: 965 583 279

Pizzeria Piscina
Calle Partida Marjal, 6 Orba | 965 583 372
Closed Wednesday. Other days open 1pm - 3.30pm and 7pm - 11pm
Authentic pizzas (Italian owned), pastas, steaks, fish, etc. Also takeaways and home deliveries
View Pizzeria Piscina's Facebook page

Restaurante La Plaça
Calle Sant Françesc 2, Orba |865 716 294> or 642 258 853 | email: elenaiunas@gmail.com
Open 9am - 10pm daily except Monday 9am - 4.30pm and closed Tuesday.
Menu del dia from €14 for 3 courses and wine, a la carte also available
Visit Plaça's Facebook page

El Fartet
Calle Mayor 20 | 965583207 / 672771311 (Dana)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 7am - 11pm
Thursday 7am - midday, Sunday 7am - 1pm
Visit El Fartet's Facebook page

Bar Punt
Avenida de las Americas 33 | 633 207 375 (Maria Jose)Open Monday - Saturday 6.30am - late (Sunday closed)

El Quijote Resto Bar
Partida Plans 12, CV731 - Carretera Orba-Benidoleig Km 0.5km, Orba
Closed Mondays
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday noon - 5pm
Friday, Saturday noon - 4pm and 7pm - 11pm
Tel: 644 530 188
Visit El Quijote's Facebook page

La Mesa de Orba
Carrer de L'ermita 16, Orba, Spain | 613 311 704
e-mail: lamesadeorba@gmail.com
Call or email for opening hours/reservations
Visit La Mesa de Orba's Facebook page

La Palmera Lounge Bar -
Calle d'Alter 2a, Orba, Spain
e-mail: Lapalmeraloungebar@gmail.com | Whatsapp: 711 072 039
Open 12am - midnight
Closed Wednesdays
Set menus, light bites and daily specials
Visit La Palmera's Facebook page
Click here to view a map showing location of all Orba's restaurants (thanks to Lisa Helen Ayling)